- An Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones berg, R. Gupta, H.P. Singh
- Neural Networks, Genevieve Orr
- Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification, D. Michie, D.J. Spiegelhalter, C.C. Taylor
- Planning Algorithms, Steven M. LaValle
- Introduction to Machine Learning, Nils J. Nilsson
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto
- An Introduction to Neural Networks Ben Krose, Patrick van der Smagt
- Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction, Raul Rojas
- Neural Networks, Christos Stergiou and Dimitrios Siganos
- Dynamics of Complex Systems, Yaneer Bar-Yam
- Convex Optimization, Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe
- Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction, Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto
- A Genetic Algorithm Tutorial, Darrell Whitley
- Artificial Intelligence through Prolog, Neil C. Rowe
- Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, Carl Edward Rasmussen and Christopher K. I. Williams
- Global Optimization Algorithms - Theory and Application, Thomas Weise
- Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis, Fernando C. N. Pereira, Stuart M. Shieber
- Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, - Ludmila Kuncheva
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Free Books on Information Theory and Communication System
- Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, David Tse and Pramod Viswanath
- Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms, David J. C. MacKay
- Entropy and Information Theory, R.M. Gray
- Complexity Issues in Coding Theory, Alexander Barg
- Network Coding Theory, Raymond W. Yeung, Shuo-Yen Robert Li, Ning Cai and Zhen Zhang
- Notes on Coding Theory, Jonathan I. Hall
- A Short Course in Information Theory, David J.C. MacKay
- Information, Randomness and Incompleteness, G J Chaitin, IBM Research
- Introduction to Data Communications, by Eugene Blanchard
- Understanding Optical Communications
- Primer on Information Theory, Thomas Schneider
- High-Speed Communication Circuits and Systems, Prof. Michael Perrott
- Communication System Design, Prof. Vladimir Stojanovic
- Essential Coding Theory, Prof. Madhu Sudan
- Speech Communication, Prof. Kenneth Steven
- Quantum Optical Communication, Prof. Jeffrey H. Shapiro
- Principles of Digital Communications I, Prof. Robert Gallager, Prof. Lizhong Zheng
- Principles of Digital Communication II, Prof. David Forney
- Transmission of Information, Prof. Muriel Medard, Prof. Lizhong Zheng
- Data Communication Networks, Prof. Eytan Modiano
- Primer on Information Theory by Thomas Schneider