- Intuitive Guide to Principles of Communications-complextoreal
- Introduction to Binary Convolutional Codes- Yunghsiang S. Han
- On Woven Convolutional Codes-Stefan Höst (PdD Thesis)
- Essential Coding Theory, Prof. Madhu Sudan
- Algorithmic Information Theory, G J Chaitin
- Complexity Issues in Coding Theory, Alexander Barg
- Theory of Codes, Jean Berstel, Dominique Perrin, C. Reutenauer
- Codes and Automata, Jean Berstel, Dominique Perrin, C. Reutenauer
- A Tutorial on Convolutional Coding with Viterbi Decoding-Chip Fleming
- Evaluation of Soft Output Decoding for Turbo Codes-Huang, Fu-hua
- The Error Correcting Codes (ECC) (This site contains several computer programs that implement encoding and decoding routines of popular error correcting codes)
- Error Bounds for Convolutional Codes and an Asymptotically Optimum Decoding Algorithm-ANDREW J. VITERBI
- Codes and Decoding on General Graphs-Niclas Wiberg
- Tutorials in Communications Engineering
This site provides links for downloading e-books available freely in different formats. The books are published online by their authors for free viewing and printing for non-commercial purposes.
Free Books on Error Control code
Free Books on Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Lessons In Electric Circuit, Tony R. Kuphaldt
- Electronics- Nelson
- Basic Electrical Technology, IIT Kharagpur
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- Electrical RLC networks and diodes - G. Ali
- Fundamentals of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Tony R. Kuphaldt
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- Electronic Transformers, Reuben Lee
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- Op Amps for Everyone Design Guide, Ron Mancini
- Introduction to Electric Power Systems, Prof. James Kirtley
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- VHDL Quick Start by Peter J. Ashenden
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Free Books on Queueing Theory
- Introduction to Queueing Theory - Robert B. Cooper
- Queueing Theory- Ivo Adan and Jacques Resing
- Queueing Theory-J. Virtamo
- An Introduction to Queueing Systems- Sanjay Bose
- A Short Introduction to Queueing Theory -Andreas Willing
- Queueing Course- Karl Sigman
- Teletraffic Engineering Handbook -Villy Baek Iversen
- Queueing Theory-Andrew Ferrier, Robert Kay, Henry Morgan
- Finite-Source Queueing Systems and their Applications- Janos Sztrik
- Traffic Theory and Queueing Systems-Henrik Schiøler
- Traffic Theory and Queueing Systems 2-Henrik Schiøler
- Queueing Notes -Prapun Suksompong
- Single Queueing Systems-n
- Network Calculus: A Theory of Deterministic Queuing Systems for the Internet-Jean-Yves Le Boudec and Patrick Thiran.